Exercise 1.4 - Temperature Convertor


Write a program to print the corresponding Celsius to Fahrenheit table.


 * Temperature Conversion Program, Celsius to Fahrenheit!
 * print Fahrenheit-Celsius table for fahr = 0,20 ... 300

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    float fahr, celsius;
    int lower, upper, step;

    lower = 0;
    upper = 300;
    step = 20;

    printf("C     F\n\n");
    celsius = lower;
    while (celsius <= upper) {
        fahr = (9.0 / 5.0) * celsius + 32.0;
        printf("%3.0f %6.1f\n", celsius, fahr);
        celsius = celsius + step;
    return 0;


In the previous exercise we converted Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius temperature. In this program we are going to convert a given Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit temperature using the formula C=(5/9)(F-32) To do this we declare some variables in the beginning of the program so that they can be used in the later stages of the program. The variables in this program are: lower,upper,step, celsius,fahr. The variable lower is assigned the value 0 similarly upper to 300, step to 20, and Celsius to lower. So when the program enters the while loop it checks whether celsius <= upper is true if it is true then it assigns the variable fahr (9.0/5.0) * celsius + 32.0 and then it prints out put.